pubnum | authors | title | pubinfo | month | year |
1. | Willsky, A.S. | Digital Signal Processing and Control and Estimation Theory--Points of Tangency, Areas of Intersection, and Parallel Directions | The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA | June | 1979 |
2. | Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S., with Young, I.T. | Signals and Systems | Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ | Nov. | 1982 |
3. | Oppenheim, A.V., and Willsky, A.S., with S. Hamid Nawab | Signals and Systems | Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ | August | 1996 |
pubnum |
authors |
title |
pubinfo |
month |
year |
volno |
pages |
LIDSno |
1. |
Brockett, R.W. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
August |
1972 |
Vol. 17, No. 4 |
pp. 483-490 |
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2. |
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
June |
1974 |
Vol. 19, No. 3 |
pp. 272-274 |
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3. |
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
Sept. |
1974 |
Vol. 20, No. 5 |
pp. 577-583 |
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4. |
Willsky, A.S. |
Fourier Series and
Estimation on the Circle with Application to Synchronous Communication--Part II: Implementation |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
Sept. |
1974 |
Vol. 20, No. 5 |
pp. 584-590 |
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5. |
Lo, J.T. and Willsky, A.S. |
Estimation for Rotational
Processes with One Degree of Freedom--Part I: Introduction and
Continuous Time Processes |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
February |
1975 |
Vol. 20, No. 1 |
pp. 10-21 |
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6. |
Willsky, A.S. and Lo, J.T. |
Estimation for Rotational
Processes with One Degree of Freedom--Part II: Discrete Time Processes |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
February |
1975 |
Vol. 20, No. 1 |
pp. 22-30 |
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7. |
Willsky, A.S. and Lo, J.T. |
Estimation for Rotational
Processes with One Degree of Freedom--Part III: Implementation |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
February |
1975 |
Vol. 20, No. 1 |
pp. 31-33 |
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8. |
Willsky, A.S. |
Invertibility of Finite Group
Homomorphic Sequential Systems |
Information and Control |
February |
1975 |
Vol. 27 |
pp. 126-147 |
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9. |
Lo, J.T. and Willsky, A.S. |
Stochastic Control of
Rotational Processes with One Degree of Freedom |
SIAM Journal on Control |
July |
1975 |
Vol. 13, No. 4 |
pp. 886-898 |
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10. |
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
July |
1975 |
Vol. 21, No. 4 |
pp. 472-474 |
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11. |
Willsky, A.S., Deyst, J.J., and
Crawford B.S. |
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets |
July |
1975 |
Vol. 12, No. 7 |
pp. 434-437 |
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12. |
Willsky, A.S.Marcus, S.I., and
Martin, D.N. |
On the Stochastic Stability
of Linear Systems Containing Colored Multiplicative Noise |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Oct. |
1975 |
Vol. 20 |
pp. 711-713 |
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13. |
Willsky, A.S. and Marcus, S.I. |
J. Franklin Inst. |
January |
1976 |
Vol. 301 |
pp. 103-122 |
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14. |
Willsky, A.S. and Jones, H.L. |
A Generalized Likelihood
Ratio Approach to the Detection and Estimation of Jumps in Linear Systems |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
February |
1976 |
Vol. 21 |
pp. 108-112 |
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15. |
Willsky, A.S. |
A Survey of Design Methods
for Failure Detection in Dynamic Systems |
Automatica |
Nov. |
1976 |
Vol. 12 |
pp. 601-611 |
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16. |
Kwong, R.H.-S. and Willsky, A.S. |
Optimal Filtering and
Filter Stability of Linear Stochastic Delay Systems |
IEEE Trans. Auto. Control |
April |
1977 |
Vol. 22, No. 2 |
pp. 196-201 |
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17. |
Gustafson, D.E., Willsky, A.S., Wang,
J.-Y., Lancaster, M.C. and Triebwasser, J.H. |
Proc. IEEE |
May |
1977 |
Vol. 65, No. 5 |
pp. 802-804 |
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18. |
Deckert, J.C., Desai, M.N., Deyst,
J.J. and Willsky, A.S. |
F-8 DFBW Sensor Failure
Identification Using Analytic Redundancy |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Contr. |
Oct. |
1977 |
Vol.22, No. 5 |
pp. 795-803 |
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19. |
Athans, M., Castanon, D., Dunn,
K.-P., Greene, C.S., Lee, W.H., Sandell, N.R., and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Transactions Aut. Control |
Oct. |
1977 |
Vol. 22, No.5 |
pp. 768-780 |
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20. |
Marcus, S.I. and Willsky, A.S. |
Algebraic Structure and
Finite Dimensional Nonlinear Estimation |
SIAM J. Math. Anal. |
April |
1978 |
Vol.9, No. 2 |
pp. 312-327 |
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21. |
Gustafson, D.E., Willsky, A.S., Wang,
J.Y., Lancaster, M.C., and Triebwasser, J.H. |
ECG/VCG Rhythm Diagnosis
Using Statistical Signal Analysis--I. Identification of Persistent Rhythms |
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. |
July |
1978 |
Vol. 25, No. 4 |
pp. 344-353 |
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22. |
Gustafson, D.E., Willsky, A.S., Wang,
J. -T., Lancaster, M.C. and Triebwasser, J.H. |
ECG/VCG Rhythm Diagnosis
Using Statistical Signal Analysis--II. Identification of Transient Rhythms |
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. |
July |
1978 |
Vol. 25, No. 4 |
pp. 353-361 |
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23. |
Kwong, R.-H.S. and Willsky, A.S. |
SIAM J. Control and Optimization |
July |
1978 |
Vol.16, No. 4 |
pp. 660-681 |
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24. |
Willsky, A.S. |
On the Algebraic Structure of
Certain Partially Observable Finite-State Markov Processes |
Information and Control |
August |
1978 |
Vol.38, No. 2 |
pp. 179-212 |
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25. |
Willsky, A.S. |
Relationships Between
Digital Signal Processing and Control and Estimation Theory |
Proc. IEEE |
Sept. |
1978 |
Vol.66, No. 9. |
pp. 996-1017 |
792 |
26. |
Mier-Muth, A.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
A Sequential Method for Spline Approximation
with Variable Knots |
International J. of System Science |
Sept. |
1978 |
Vol. 9, No. 9 |
pp. 1055-1067 |
759 |
27. |
Marcus, S.I., Willsky, A.S., and Hsu,
K. |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control |
Oct. |
1978 |
Vol.23, No. 5 |
pp. 911-916 |
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28. |
Moroney, P., Willsky, A.S., and
Houpt, P.K. |
The Digital Implementation
of Control Compensators: The Coefficient Wordlength Issue |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control |
August |
1980 |
Vol. 25, No. 4 |
pp. 621-630 |
935 (897) |
29. |
Willsky, A.S., Chow, E.Y., Gershwin, S.B.,
Greene, C.S., Houpt, P.K., and Kurkjian, A.L. |
Dynamic Model-Based
Techniques for the Detection of Incidents on Freeways |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control |
June |
1980 |
Vol. 25, No. 3 |
pp. 347-360 |
889 |
30. |
Kurkjian, A.L., Gershwin, S.B.,
Houpt, P.K., Willsky, A.S., Chow, E.Y., and Greene, C.S. |
Estimation of Roadway Traffic
Density on Freeways Using Presence Detector Data |
Transportation Sciences |
August |
1980 |
Vol. 14, No. 3 |
pp. 232-261 |
912 |
31. |
Kam, P.Y. and Willsky, A.S. |
Estimation and Control for a
Sensor Moving Along a One-Dimensional Track |
International Journal of Control |
![]() |
1980 |
Vol. 31, No. 6 |
pp. 1147-1159 |
887 |
32. |
Wall, J.E., Willsky, A.S., and
Sandell, N.R. |
Stochastics |
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1981 |
Vol. 5, No. 1 and 2 |
pp. 1-41 |
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33. |
Washburn, R.B. and Willsky, A.S. |
Optional Sampling of
Submartingales Indexed by Partially Ordered Sets |
Annals of Probability |
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1981 |
Vol. 9, No. 6 |
pp. 957-970 |
953 |
34. |
Willsky, A.S., Bello, M.G., Castanon,
D.A., Levy, B.C., and Verghese, G.C. |
Combining and Updating of Local
Estimates and Regional Maps Along Sets of One-Dimensional Tracks |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control |
August |
1982 |
Vol. 27, No. 4 |
pp. 799-813 |
955 |
35. |
Willsky, A.S. and Sandell, N.R. |
The Stochastic Analysis of
Dynamic Systems Moving Through Random Fields |
IEEE Trans. Aut. Control |
August |
1982 |
Vol. 27, No. 4 |
pp. 830-838 |
958 |
36. |
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Control Systems Magazine |
Sept. |
1982 |
Vol. 2 |
pp. 4-16 |
1168 |
37. |
Hall, M.G., Oppenheim, A.V., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Signal Processing |
1983 |
Vol.5 |
pp. 267-285 |
38. |
Doerschuk, P.C., Gustafson, D.E., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Upper Extremity Limb Function
Discrimination Using EMG Signal Processing |
IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering |
January |
1983 |
Vol. 30, No. 1 |
pp. 18-29 |
39. |
Levy, B.C., Castanon, D.A., Verghese,
G.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
A Scattering Framework for
Decentralized Estimation Problems |
Automatica |
1983 |
Vol.19, No. 4 |
pp. 373-384 |
1075 |
40. |
Coderch, M., Willsky, A.S., Sastry,
S.S., and Castanon, D.A. |
Hierarchical Aggregation of
Linear Systems with Multiple Time Scales |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Nov. |
1983 |
Vol. 28, No. 11 |
pp. 1017-1030 |
1187 |
41. |
Coderch, M., Willsky, A.S., Sastry,
S.S., and Castanon, D.A. |
Hierarchical Aggregation of
Singularly Perturbed Finite State Markov Processes |
Stochastics |
1983 |
Vol. 8, No. 4 |
pp. 259-289 |
1198 |
42. |
Moroney, P., Willsky, A.S., and
Houpt, P.K. |
Roundoff Noise and Scaling
in the Digital Implementation of Control Compensators |
IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing |
Dec. |
1983 |
Vol. 31, No. 6 |
pp. 1464-1477 |
1116 |
43. |
Chow, E.Y. and Willsky, A.S. |
Analytical Redundancy and
the Design of Robust Failure Detection Systems |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
July |
1984 |
Vol. 29, No. 7 |
pp. 603-614 |
1253 |
44. |
Adams, M.B., Willsky, A.S., and Levy,
B.C. |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Sept. |
1984 |
Vol. 29, No. 9 |
pp. 803-810 |
1255 |
45. |
Adams, M.B., Willsky, A.S., and Levy,
B.C. |
Linear Estimation of
Boundary Value Stochastic Processes -- Part II: 1-D Smoothing Problems |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Sept. |
1984 |
Vol. 29, No. 9 |
pp. 811-821 |
1256 |
46. |
Castanon, D.A., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Algorithms for the
Incorporation of Predictive Information in Surveillance Theory |
International Journal of Systems
Science |
March |
1985 |
Vol. 16, No. 3 |
pp. 367-382 |
1515 (913) |
47. |
Rossi, D.J. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing |
August |
1984 |
Vol. 32, No. 4 |
pp. 886-897 |
1324 |
48. |
Rossi, D.J. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing |
August |
1984 |
Vol. 32, No. 4 |
pp. 897-906 |
1325 |
49. |
Bello, M.G., Willsky, A.S., Levy,
B.C., and Castanon, D.A. |
Smoothing Error Dynamics
and Their Use in the Solution of Smoothing and Mapping Problems |
IEEE Trans. Information Theory |
July |
1986 |
Vol. 32, No. 4 |
pp. 483-495 |
50. |
Chizeck, H.J., Willsky, A.S., and
Castanon, D.A. |
Discrete-Time Markovian-Jump
Linear Quadratic Optimal Control |
Int. J. Control |
1986 |
Vol.43, No. 1 |
pp. 213-231 |
1429 |
51. |
Chow, E.Y. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic
Systems |
Nov. |
1984 |
Vol.20, No. 6 |
pp. 761-774 |
1281 |
52. |
Lou, X.-C., Willsky, A.S., and
Verghese, G.C. |
Optimally Robust Redundancy
Relations for Failure Detection in Uncertain Systems |
Automatica |
1986 |
Vol. 22, No. 3 |
pp. 333-344 |
53. |
Tewfik, A.H., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
An Eigenstructure Approach
for the Retrieval of Cylindrical Harmonics |
Signal Processing |
Sept. |
1987 |
Vol. 13 |
pp. 121-139. |
1477 |
54. |
Rougee, A., Levy, B.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
An Estimation-Based Approach
to the Reconstruction of Optical Flow |
accepted for publication in IEEE
Trans. on Path. Anal. and Mach. Intel. |
1663 |
55. |
Lou, X.-C., Willsky, A.S., and
Verghese, G.C. |
Algebraic Approach to Time
Scale Analysis of Singularly Perturbed Linear Systems |
International J. of Control |
1988 |
Vol. 47, No. 1 |
pp. 281-308. |
1604 |
56. |
Tewfik, A.H., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
An Efficient Maximum
Entropy Technique for 2-D Isotropic Random Fields |
IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and
Sig. Proc. |
May |
1988 |
Vol. 36, No. 5 |
pp. 797-811. |
1620 (1450) |
57. |
Lou, X.-C., Verghese, G.C., Willsky,
A.S. and Coxson, P.G. |
Conditions for Scale-Based
Decompositions in Singularly Perturbed Systems |
Linear Algebra and Its Appl. |
1988 |
Vol. 98 |
pp. 387-413 |
1651 |
58. |
…zveren, C.M., Verghese, G.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Asymptotic Orders of Reachability
in Perturbed Linear Systems |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Oct. |
1988 |
Vol. 33, No. 10 |
pp. 915-923 |
1699 (1688) |
59. |
Weiss, A.J., Willsky, A.S., and Levy,
B.C. |
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems |
January |
1989 |
Vol. 25, No. 1 |
pp. 48-55 |
1672 |
60. |
Weiss, A.J., Willsky, A.S., and Levy,
B.C. |
Eigenstructure Approach for
Array Processing with Unknown Intensity Coefficients |
IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and
Sig. Proc |
Oct. |
1988 |
Vol. 36, No. 10 |
pp. 1613-1617. |
1673 |
61. |
Weiss, A.J., Willsky, A.S., Levy,
B.C. |
Maximum Likelihood Array
Processing for the Estimation of Superimposed Signals |
Proc. of the IEEE |
February |
1988 |
Vol. 76, No. 2 |
pp. 203-205 |
62. |
Nikoukhah, R., Adams, M.B., Willsky,
A.S., and Levy, B.C. |
Circuits, Systems, and Sig. Proc. |
April |
1989 |
Vol. 8, No. 1 |
pp. 25-48 |
63. |
Rohlicek, J.R. and Willsky, A.S. |
The Reduction of Perturbed
Markov Generators: An Algorithm Exposing the Role of Transient States |
Journal of the ACM |
July |
1988 |
Vol. 35, No. 3 |
pp. 675-696 |
1493 |
64. |
Nikoukhah, R., Willsky, A.S., and
Levy, B.C. |
Boundary-Value Descriptor
Systems: Well-Posedness, Reachability, and Observability |
Int'l. J. of Control |
1987 |
Vol. 46, No. 5 |
pp. 1715-1737 |
1626 |
65. |
Rohlicek, J.R. and Willsky, A.S. |
Multiple Time Scale
Decomposition of Discrete Time Markov Chains |
Sys. and Cont. Letters |
1988 |
Vol. 11 |
pp. 309-314 |
1727 |
66. |
Massoumnia, M.A., Verghese, G.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control |
March |
1989 |
Vol. 34, No.3 |
pp. 316-321 |
1578 |
67. |
Chin, T.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
Stochastic Petri Net
Modeling of Wave Sequences in Cardiac Arrhythmias |
Computers and Biomed. Res. |
1989 |
Vol. 22 |
pp. 136-159 |
1715 |
68. |
Tewfik, A.H., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Sampling Theorems for
Two-Dimensional Isotropic Random Fields |
IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory |
Sept. |
1988 |
Vol. 34, No. 5 |
pp. 1092-1096 |
1592 |
69. |
Willsky, A.S. |
Challenges to Control in
Signal Processing and Communications |
IEEE Control Systems Magazine |
April |
1987 |
Vol. 7 |
pp. 3-6 |
1591 |
70. |
Nikoukhah, R., Willsky, A.S., and
Levy, B.C. |
special issue of Circuits, Systems,
and Signal Processing on singular systems |
1989 |
Vol. 8, No. 3 |
pp. 313-340 |
71. |
Doerschuk, PC., Tenney, R.R., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Int'l J. Sys. Sci |
1990 |
Vol 21, No. 2 |
pp. 257-283 |
1491 |
72. |
Doerschuk, P.C., Tenney, R.R., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Event-Based Estimation of Interacting
Markov Chains with Applications to Electrocardiogram Analysis |
Int'l J. Sys. Sci. |
1990 |
Vol.21, No. 2 |
pp. 285-304 |
1611 |
73. |
Bello, M.G., Willsky, A.S., and Levy,
B.C. |
Construction and
Applications of Discrete-Time Smoothing Error Models |
Int'l J. Control |
July |
1989 |
Vol.50, No. 1 |
pp. 203-223 |
1812 |
74. |
Rossi, D.J., Willsky, A.S., and
Spielman, D.M. |
Object Shape Estimation from
Tomographic Measurements -- A Performance Analysis |
Signal Processing |
1989 |
Vol. 18 |
pp. 63-87 |
1799 (1710) |
75. |
Nikoukhah, R., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control |
Nov. |
1989 |
Vol. 34, No. 11 |
pp. 1141-1152 |
1797 (1758) |
76. |
Prince, J.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Patt. Anal. and Mach.
Intel. |
April |
1990 |
Vol. 12, No. 4 |
pp. 377-389 |
1704 |
77. |
Levy, B.C., Adams, M.B., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Solution and Linear
Estimation of 2-D Nearest-Neighbor Models |
special issue of Proc. of the IEEE on
multidimensional signal processing |
April |
1990 |
Vol. 78, No. 4 |
pp. 627-641 |
78. |
Tewfik, A.H., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Systems and Control Letters |
1990 |
Vol. 14 |
pp. 253-259 |
1541 |
79. |
Prince, J.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
special issue of Linear Algebra and Its
Applications on reconstruction from partial information |
1990 |
Vol. 130 |
pp. 151-191 |
1841 |
80. |
Chou, K.C. and Willsky, A.S. |
A Multi-Resolution Probabilistic
Approach to Two-Dimensional Inverse Conductivity Problems |
Signal Processing |
1989 |
Vol. 18, No. 3 |
pp. 291-311. |
81. |
Prince, J.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
Constrained Sinogram
Restoration for Limited Angle Tomography |
Optical Engineering |
May |
1990 |
Vol. 29, No. 5 |
pp. 535-544 |
82. |
…zveren, C.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control |
July |
1990 |
Vol. 35, No. 7 |
pp. 797-806. |
1861 |
83. |
…zveren, C.M., Willsky, A.S., and
Antsaklis, P.J. |
Stability and
Stabilizability of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems |
Journal of the ACM |
July |
1991 |
Vol. 38, No. 3 |
pp. 730-752. |
1853 |
84. |
Nikoukhah, R., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Realization of Acausal
Weighting Patterns with Boundary-Value Descriptor Systems |
SIAM J. Control and Opt. |
March |
1991 |
Vol. 29, No. 2 |
pp. 420-444 |
1879 |
85. |
Prince, J.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
Comp. Vision, Graphics, and Image
Proc.: Graphical Models and Image Processing |
Sept. |
1991 |
Vol. 53, No. 5 |
pp. 413-427 |
86. |
Ozveren, C.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans on Aut. Control |
August |
1991 |
Vol. 36, No. 8 |
pp. 925-935 |
1912 (1889) |
87. |
Tewfik, A.H., Levy, B.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Internal Models and
Recursive Estimation for 2-D Isotropic Random Fields |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
July |
1991 |
Vol. 37, No. 4 |
pp. 1055-l066 |
88. |
Basseville, M., Benveniste, A., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Multiscale Autoregressive
Processes, Part I: Schur-Levinson Parametrizations |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
August |
1992 |
Vol. 40, No. 8 |
pp. 1915-1934. |
89. |
Basseville, M., Benveniste, A., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Multiscale Autoregressive
Processes, Part II: Lattice Structures for Whitening and Modeling |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
August |
1992 |
Vol. 40, No. 8 |
pp. 1935-1954 |
90. |
Doerschuk, P.C., Chin, T.M., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Modeling of Cardiac Rhythms:
A Signal-Processing Perspective |
J. of Electrocardiology |
1990 |
Vol. 23 Supplement |
pp. 102-110 |
91. |
Lele, A.S., Kulkarni, S.R., and
Willsky, A.S. |
J. of Optical Soc. of America A |
Oct. |
1992 |
Vol. 9, No. 10 |
pp. 1693-1714 |
2005 |
92. |
…zveren, C.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
Aggregation and Multi-Level
Control in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems |
Automatica |
May |
1992 |
Vol.28, No. 3 |
pp. 565-577 |
1949 (1902) |
93. |
Nikoukhah, R., Willsky, A.S., and
Levy, B.C. |
Int'l. J. of Control |
1991 |
Vol. 54, No. 3 |
pp. 635-663. |
94. |
Chin, T.M., Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
invited paper for the special issue
of Signal Processing on Multidimensional Signal Processing |
August |
1992 |
Vol. 28 |
pp. 311-333 |
2081 |
95. |
…zveren, C.M., and Willsky, A.S. |
Tracking and Restrictability
in Discrete Event Dynamic Systems |
SIAM J. Control and Opt. |
Nov. |
1992 |
Vol. 30, No. 6 |
pp. 1423-1446 |
1894 |
96. |
Basseville, M., Benveniste, A., Chou,
K.C., Golden, S.A., Nikoukhah, R., and Willsky, A.S. |
Modeling and Estimation of
Multiresolution Stochastic Processes and Random Fields |
special issue of the IEEE Trans. on
Inf. Theory on wavelet transforms and multiresolution signal analysis |
March |
1992 |
Vol. 38, No. 2 |
pp. 766-784 |
1914 |
97. |
Nikoukhah, R., Willsky, A.S., and
Levy, B.C. |
Kalman Filtering and
Riccati Equations for Descriptor Systems |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Sept. |
1992 |
Vol. 37, No. 9 |
pp. 1325-1342 |
2017 (1954) |
98. |
…zveren, C.M., and Willsky, A.S. |
Math. of Control, Signals, and
Systems |
1992 |
Vol. 5, No. 4 |
pp. 365-390. |
1895 |
99. |
Daubechies, I., Mallat, S., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Introduction to the Special
Issue on Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Signal Analysis |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
March |
1992 |
Vol. 38, No. 2 |
pp. 529-532. |
100. |
Chin, T.M., Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Probabilistic and
Sequential Computation of Optical Flow Using Temporal Coherence |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
Nov. |
1994 |
Vol. 3, No. 6 |
pp. 773-788 |
2174 |
101. |
Chou, K.C., Willsky, A.S., and
Benveniste, A.B. |
Multiscale Recursive Estimation,
Data Fusion, and Regularization |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
March |
1994 |
Vol. 39, No. 3 |
pp. 464-478 |
2085 |
102 |
Chou, K.C., Willsky, A.S., and
Nikoukhah, R. |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
March |
1994 |
Vol. 39, No. 3 |
pp. 479-492 |
2152 |
103. |
Chou, K.C., Golden, S.A., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Multiresolution Stochastic
Models, Data Fusion, and Wavelet Transforms |
Signal Processing |
Dec. |
1993 |
Vol. 34, No. 3 |
pp. 257-282 |
2110 |
104. |
Benveniste, A., Nikoukhah, R., and Willsky,
A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems |
January |
1994 |
Vol. 41 |
pp. 2-15 |
2086 (1953) |
105. |
Luettgen, M.R., Karl, W.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Efficient Multiscale
Regularization with Applications to the Computation of Optical Flow |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
January |
1994 |
Vol. 3, No. 1 |
pp. 41-64 |
2175 |
106. |
Luettgen, M.R., Karl, W.C., Willsky,
A.S., and Tenney, R.R. |
special issue of the IEEE Trans. on
Signal Processing on Wavelet Transforms |
Dec. |
1993 |
Vol. 41, No. 12 |
pp. 3377-3396 |
2157 (2130) |
107. |
Prince, J.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
Reconstruction Using Geometry and Sinogram Restoration |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing |
July |
1993 |
Vol. 2, No. 3 |
pp. 401-416 |
2094 |
108. |
Karl, W.C., Verghese, G.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image
Processing |
March |
1994 |
Vol. 56, No. 2 |
pp. 124-139. |
2141 |
109. |
Luettgen, M.R. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Aut. Cont. |
January |
1995 |
Vol. 40, No. 1 |
pp. 173-175 |
2234 |
110. |
Milanfar, P., Verghese, G.C., Karl,
W.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
Polygon Reconstructions from
Moments with Connections to Array Processing |
IEEE Trans. on Sig. Proc. |
February |
1995 |
Vol. 43, No. 2 |
pp. 432-443 |
2209 |
111. |
Fieguth, P.W., Karl, W.C., Willsky,
A.S., and Wunsch, C. |
Multiresolution Optimal
Interpolation and Statistical Analysis of TOPEX/POSEIDON Satellite Altimetry |
IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Remote
Sensing |
March |
1995 |
Vol. 33, No. 2 |
pp. 280-292 |
2271 |
112. |
Jaggi, S., Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Estimation of Dynamically
Evolving Ellipsoids with Applications to Medical Imaging |
IEEE Trans. on Med. Imaging |
June |
1995 |
Vol. 14, No. 2 |
pp. 249-258 |
113. |
Nikoukhah, R., Taylor, D., Levy,
B.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
Graph structure and
recursive estimation of noisy linear relations |
J. of Math. Syst., Est., and Cont. |
1995 |
Vol. 5, No. 4 |
pp 1-37. |
114. |
Miller, E.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
A multiscale approach to sensor
fusion and the solution of linear inverse problems |
Applied and Computational Harmonic
Analysis |
1995 |
Vol. 2, No. 2 |
pp. 127-147 |
2220 |
115. |
Chin, T.M. Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
A Distributed and
Iterative Method for Square Root Filtering in Space-Time Estimation |
Automatica |
1995 |
Vol.31, No. 1 |
pp. 67-82 |
2226 |
116. |
Miller, E.L. and Willsky A.S. |
Radio Science |
1996 |
Vol.31, No. 1 |
pp. 51-56 |
117. |
Allen, T.G., Luettgen, M.R., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Multiscale Approaches to
Moving Target Detection in Image Sequences |
special issue of Optical Engineering,
on adaptive wavelet transforms |
July |
1994 |
Vol. 33, No. 7 |
pp. 2248-2254 |
118. |
Bhatia, M., Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
A Wavelet-Based Method for
Multiscale Tomographic Reconstruction |
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging |
February |
1996 |
Vol. 15, No. 1 |
pp. 92 - 101 |
2182 |
119. |
Milanfar, P., Karl, W.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
A Moment-Based Variational
Approach to Tomographic Reconstruction |
IEEE Trans. on Image Proc. |
March |
1996 |
Vol. 5, No. 3 |
pp. 459-470 |
2221 |
120. |
Milanfar, P., Karl, W.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Reconstructing Binary Polygonal
Objects from Projections: A Statistical View |
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image
Processing |
Sept. |
1994 |
Vol. 56, No. 5 |
pp. 371-391 |
121. |
Luettgen, M.R. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
February |
1995 |
Vol. 4, No. 2 |
pp. 194-207 |
2186 |
122. |
Fosgate, C.H., Krim, H., Irving, W.W.,
Karl, W.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
Multiscale Segmentation
and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery |
special issue of the IEEE Trans. on
Image Processing on Automatic Target Recognition |
January |
1997 |
Vol. 6, No. 1 |
pp. 7-20 |
2327 |
123. |
Belcastro, L., Karl, W.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Tomographic Reconstruction
of Polygons from Knot Locations and Chord Length Measurements |
Graphical Models and Image Processing |
May |
1996 |
Vol. 58, No. 3 |
pp. 233-245 |
124. |
Irving, W.W., Novak, L.M., and
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems |
Oct. |
1997 |
Vol. 33, No. 4 |
pp. 1157-1169 |
125. |
Bhatia, M., Karl, W.C., Willsky, A.S. |
Tomographic Reconstruction
and Estimation Based on Multiscale Natural-Pixel Bases |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
March |
1997 |
Vol. 6, No. 3 |
pp. 463-478 |
126. |
Miller, E.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
special issue of Multidimensional
Systems and Signal Processing on wavelets and multiresolution analysis |
1997 |
Vol 8 |
pp. 151-184 |
127. |
Miller, E.L. and Willsky, A.S. |
A Multiscale Statistically
Based Inversion Scheme for the Linearized Inverse Scattering Problems |
IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing |
March |
1996 |
Vol. 34, No. 2 |
pp. 346-357 |
2270 |
128. |
Learned, R., Willsky, A.S., and
Boroson, D.M. |
Low Complexity Optimal Joint
Detection for Oversaturated Multiple Access Communications |
special issue of the IEEE Trans. on
Signal Processing on signal processing for advanced communications |
January |
1997 |
Vol. 45, No. 1 |
pp. 113-123 |
2449 (2337) (2315) |
129. |
Learned, R. and Willsky, A.S. |
A Wavelet Packet Approach
to Transient Signal Classification |
Applied and Computational Harmonic
Analysis |
1995 |
Vol. 2, No. 3 |
pp. 265-278 |
2199 |
130. |
Fieguth, P.W. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
May |
1996 |
Vol. 44, No. 5 |
pp. 1297-1300 |
2287 |
131. |
Daniel, M. and Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems
II |
July |
1997 |
Vol. 44, No. 7 |
pp. 549-563 |
2294 |
132. |
Daniel, M. and Willsky, A.S. |
invited paper in the special issue of
the Proceedings of the IEEE on data fusion |
January |
1997 |
Vol. 85, No. 1 |
pp. 164-183 |
2373 |
133. |
Karl, W.C., Kulkarni, S.R., Verghese,
G.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
special issue of J. of Mathematical
Imaging and Vision on topology and geometry in computer vision |
June |
1996 |
Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3 |
pp. 249-267 |
2201 |
134. |
Kaufhold, J., Schneider, M.K., Karl,
W.C, and Willsky, A.S. |
A Statistical Method for
Efficient Segmentation of MR Imagery |
special issue of the Intl'l. J. of
Pattern Recog. and Artificial Intell. on processing of MRI imagery |
1997 |
Vol. 11, No. 8 |
pp. 1213-1231 |
135 |
Irving, W.W., Fieguth, P.W., and
Willsky, A.S. |
An Overlapping Tree
Approach to Multiscale Stochastic Modeling and Estimation |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
Nov. |
1997 |
Vol. 6, No. 11 |
pp. 1517-1529 |
136. |
Menememlis, D., Fieguth, P.W.,
Wunsch, C., and Willsky, A.S. |
Adaptation of a Fast Optimal
Interpolation Algorithm to the Mapping of Oceanographic Data |
Journal of Geophysical Research |
May |
1997 |
Vol. 102 |
pp. 10,573-10,584 |
137. |
Fieguth, P.W., Menememlis, D., Ho,
T., Willsky, A.S. and Wunsch, C. |
Mapping Mediterranean
Altimeter Data with a Multiresolution Optimal Interpolation Algorithm |
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Technology |
April |
1998 |
Vol. 15 |
pp. 535-546. |
138. |
Fieguth, P.W., Karl, W.C., and
Willsky, A.S. |
Efficient Multiresolution
Counterparts to Variational Methods in Surface Reconstruction |
Computer Vision and Image
Understanding |
May |
1998 |
Vol. 70, No. 2 |
pp. 157-176 |
139. |
Frakt, A.B., Karl, W.C., and Willsky,
A.S. |
A Multiscale Hypothesis
Testing Approach to Anomaly Detection and Localization from Tomographic Data |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
June |
1998 |
Vol. 7, No. 6 |
pp. 825-837 |
2369 |
140. |
Jaggi, S., Karl, W.C., Mallat, S.M.,
and Willsky, A.S. |
Applied and Computational Harmonic
Analysis |
1998 |
Vol. 5 |
pp. 428-449 |
2371 |
141. |
Jaggi, S., Karl, W.C., Mallat, S.M.,
and Willsky, A.S. |
Pattern Recognition |
1999 |
Vol. 32 |
pp. 753-771 |
142. |
Irving, W.W. and Willsky, A.S. |
A Canonical Correlations Approach
to Multiscale Stochastic Realization |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
Oct. |
2001 |
Vol. 46, No. 10 |
pp. 1514-1528 |
143. |
Daniel, M.M. and Willsky, A.S. |
The Modeling and Estimation
of Statistically Self-Similar Processes in a Multiresolution Framework |
the special issue of the IEEE Trans.
on Information Theory on multiscale statistical analysis and its applications |
April |
1999 |
Vol. 45, No. 3 |
pp. 955-970 |
144. |
Daoudi, K., Frakt, A., and Willsky,
A.S. |
the special issue of the IEEE Trans.
on Information Theory on multiscale statistical analysis and its applications |
April |
1999 |
Vol. 45, No. 3 |
pp. 828-845. |
2437 |
145. |
Pollak, I., Willsky, A.S., and Krim,
H. |
Image Segmentation and Edge
Enhancement with Stabilized Inverse Diffusion Equations |
IEEE Trans. on Image Procssing. |
February |
2000 |
Vol. 9, No. 2 |
pp. 256-266. |
2368 |
146. |
Karl, W.C., Kennedy, D.N., Worth,
A.J., Pien, H.H., and Willsky, A.S. |
Editorial, in special
issue on Processing of MR Images of the Human Brain |
special issue of Int'l. J. of Pattern
recognition and Artificial Intelligence |
Dec. |
1997 |
Vol. 11, No. 8 |
pp. 1157-1160. |
147. |
Schneider, M., Fieguth, P.W., Karl,
W.C., and Willsky, A.S. |
Multiscale Methods for the
Segmentation and Reconstruction of Signals and Images |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
March |
2000 |
Vol. 9, No. 3 |
pp. 456-468 |
2378 |
148. |
Daniel, M.M., Willsky, A.S., and
McLaughlin, D. |
A Multiscale Approach for
Estimating Solute Travel Time Distributions |
Advances in Water Resources |
2000 |
Vol. 23 |
pp. 653-665. |
149. |
M.J. Wainwright, E. Simoncelli, and
A.S. Willsky |
Random Cascades on Wavelet Trees
and Their Use in Analyzing and Modeling Natural Images |
special issue of Applied and
Computational Harmonic Analysis on wavelet applications |
2001 |
Vol. 11 |
pp. 89-123 |
150. |
Ho, T.T., Fieguth, P.W., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Computationally Efficient
Steady-State Multiscale Estimation for 1-D Diffusion Processes |
Automatica |
March |
2001 |
Vol. 37 |
pp. 325-340 |
151. |
Frakt, A. and Willsky, A.S. |
Computationally Efficient
Stochastic Realization for Internal Multiscale Autoregressive Models |
Multidimensional Signal Processing |
2001 |
Vol. 12 |
pp. 109-142 |
152. |
Schneider, M.K. and Willsky, A.S. |
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. |
February |
2001 |
Vol. 22, No. 5 |
pp. 1840-1864 |
153. |
Yezzi, A., Tsai, A., and Willsky,
A.S. |
A Fully Global Approach
to Image Segmentation via Coupled Curve Evolution Equations |
Journal of Visual Communication and
Image Representation on partial differential equations in image processing |
March |
2002 |
Vol. 13, No. 1 |
pp. 195-216 |
154. |
Tsai, A., Yezzi, A., and Willsky,
A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
August |
2001 |
Vol. 10, No. 8 |
pp. 1169-1186 |
155. |
Willsky, A.S. |
Multiresolution Markov Models
for Signal and Image Processing |
Proceedings of the IEEE (2004 Fink
Prize Paper Award) |
August |
2002 |
Vol.90, No. 8 |
pp. 1396-1458 |
156. |
Tsai, A., Zhang, J., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Optical Engineering |
July |
2001 |
Vol. 40, No. 7 |
pp. 1287-1301 |
157. |
Richards, J.A., Willsky, A.S., and
Fisher, J.W. |
Optical Engineering |
January |
2002 |
Vol. 41, No. 1 |
pp. 150-166 |
158. |
Kim, A.J., Fisher, J.W., and Willsky,
A.S. |
Detection and Analysis of
Anisotropic Scattering in SAR Data |
special issue of Multidimensional
Systems and Signal Processing on Radar Signal Processing and Its Applications |
January |
2003 |
Vol. 14, No. 1-3 |
pp. 49-82 |
159. |
Fisher, J.W., Wainwright, M.J.,
Sudderth, E., and Willsky, A.S. |
in the special issue of Int'l. J. of
High-Performance Comp. Appl. on sensor networks |
Sept. |
2002 |
Vol.16, No. 3 |
pp. 337-353 |
160. |
Frakt, A.B., Lev-Ari, H., and
Willsky, A.S. |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
February |
2003 |
Vol. 49, No. 2 |
pp. 411-424 |
161. |
M.K. Schneider and A.S. Willsky |
A Krylov Subspace Method
for Covariance Approximation and Simulation of Random Processes |
Multidimensional Systems and Signal
Processing |
Oct. |
2003 |
Vol. 14, No. 4 |
pp. 295-318 |
162. |
Tsai, A., Yezzi, A., Wells, W.,
Tempany, C., Tucker, D., Fan, A., Grimson, W.E.L., and Willsky, A.S. |
A Shape-Based Approach to
the Segmentation of Medical Imagery Using Level Sets |
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging |
February |
2003 |
Vol. 22, No. 2 |
pp. 137-154 |
163. |
M.J. Wainwright, T.S. Jaakkola, and
A.S. Willsky |
Reparametrization Framework for Approximate Estimation on Graphs with Cycles |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
May |
2003 |
Vol. 49, No. 5 |
pp. 1120-1146 |
164. |
M.J. Wainwright, T.S. Jaakkola, and
A.S. Willsky |
Tree Consistency and Bounds
on the Performance of the Max-Product Algorithm and Its Generalizations |
Statistics & Computing |
April |
2004 |
Vol. 14, No. 2 |
pp. 143-166 |
165. |
E. Sudderth, M.J. Wainwright, and
A.S. Willsky |
Embedded Trees: Estimation
of Gaussian Processes on Graphs with Cycles |
IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing |
Nov. |
2004 |
Vol. 52, No. 11 |
pp. 3136-3150 |
166. |
M.J. Wainwright, T.S. Jaakkola, and
A.S. Willsky |
2003 |
Vol. 9 |
167. |
A. Tsai, W. Wells, C. Tempany, W.E.L.
Grimson, and A.S. Willsky |
Mutual Information in
Coupled Multi-shape Model for Medical Image Segmentation |
Medical Image Analysis |
Dec. |
2004 |
Vol. 8, No. 4 |
pp. 429-445 |
168. |
A.B. Hamza, Y. He, H. Krim, and A.S.
Willsky |
in the special issue of Journal of Integrated
Computer-Aided Engineering, dedicated to Prof. Enders A. Robinson |
January |
2005 |
Vol. 12, No. 1 |
pp. 135-146 |
169. |
A.T. Ihler, J.W. Fisher III, and A.S.
Willsky |
special issue of IEEE Trans. on
Signal Processing on machine learning methods |
August |
2004 |
Vol. 52, No. 8 |
pp. 2234-2249 |
170. |
I.T. Pollak, A.S. Willsky, and Y.
Huang |
Nonlinear Evolution
Equations as Fast and Exact Solvers of Estimation Problems |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
February |
2005 |
Vol. 53, No. 2 |
pp. 484-498 |
171. |
J. Kim, J.W. Fisher, A. Yezzi, M.
Cetin, and A.S. Willsky |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
Oct. |
2005 |
Vol. 14, No. 10 |
pp. 1486-1502 |
172. |
R.O. Dror, A.S. Willsky, and E.H.
Adelson |
special issue of the Journal of Vision
on Color and Material Perception in Complex Scenes |
2004 |
Vol. 4, No. 9 |
pp. 821-837 |
173. |
L. Chen, M.J. Wainwright, M. Cetin,
and A.S. Willsky |
Data Association Based on Optimization
in Graphical Models with Applications to Sensor Networks |
the special issue of Mathematical and
Computer Modelling optimization and control for military applications |
May |
2006 |
Vol. 43, No. 9-10 |
pp. 1114-1135 |
174. |
A.T. Ihler, J.W. Fisher III, R.L.
Moses, and A.S. Willsky |
Nonparametric Belief
Propagation for Self-Localization of Sensor Networks |
IEEE J. on Select Areas in
Communications, special issue on Distributed Collaborative Sensor Networks |
April |
2005 |
Vol. 23, No. 4 |
pp. 809-819 |
2600 |
175. |
D.M. Malioutov, M. Cetin, and A.S.
Willsky |
A Sparse Signal
Reconstruction Perspective for Source Localization with Sensor Arrays |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
August |
2005 |
Vol. 53, No. 8 (Part II) |
pp. 3010-3022 |
176. |
A. Tsai, W.M. Wells, S.K. Warfield,
and A.S. Willsky |
An EM Algorithm for Shape
Classification Based on Level Sets |
Medical Image Analysis. |
2005 |
Vol. 9 |
pp. 491-502 |
177. |
A.T. Ihler, J.W. Fisher III, and A.S.
Willsky |
Loopy Belief Propagation:
Convergence and Effects of Message Errors |
Journal of Machine Learning Research |
May |
2005 |
Vol. 6 |
pp. 905-936 |
178. |
M. Cetin, W.C. Karl, and A.S. Willsky |
Optical Engineering |
January |
2006 |
Vol. 45 |
pp. 017003-1-11 |
179. |
M.J. Wainwright, T.S. Jaakkola, and
A.S. Willsky |
MAP Estimation Via
Agreement on Trees: Message-Passing and Linear Programming Approaches |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
Nov. |
2005 |
Vol. 51, No. 11 |
pp. 3697-3717 |
180. |
M.J. Wainwright, T.S. Jaakkola, and
A.S. Willsky |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
July |
2005 |
Vol. 51, No. 7 |
pp. 2313-2335 |
181. |
W. Sun, M. Cetin, W.C. Thacker, T.M.
Chin, and A.S. Willsky |
IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing |
February |
2006 |
Vol. 44, No. 2 |
pp. 336-350 |
182. |
L. Srinivasan, U.T. Eden, A.S.
Willsky, E.N. Brown |
A State-Space Analysis for
Reconstruction of Goal-Directed Movements Using Neural Signals |
Neural Computation |
Oct. |
2006 |
Vol. 18 |
pp. 2465-2494 |
183. |
M. Cetin, L. Chen, J. W. Fisher, III,
A.T. Ihler, R.L. Moses, M.J. Wainwright, and A.S. Willsky |
Distributed Fusion in
Sensor Networks: A Graphical Models Perspective |
special issue of the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine on Distributed Signal Processing in Sensor Networks |
July |
2006 |
Vol. 23, No. 4 |
pp. 42-55 |
184. |
E.B. Fox, J.W. Fisher III, and A.S.
Willsky |
Detection and Localization
of Material Releases with Sparse Sensor Configurations |
IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing |
May |
2007 |
Vol. 55, No. 5 |
pp. 1886-1898 |
185. |
D.M. Malioutov, J.Johnson, and A.S.
Willsky |
Walk-Sums and Belief
Propagation in Gaussian Graphical Models |
Journal of Machine Learning Research |
Oct. |
2006 |
Vol. 7 |
pp. 2031-2064 |
186. |
J.L. Williams, J.W. Fisher, III, and A.S.
Willsky |
Approximate Dynamic
Programming for Communication-Constrained Sensor Network Management |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
August |
2007 |
Vol. 55, No. 8 |
pp. 4300-4311 |
2637 |
187. |
J. Kim, M. Cetin, and A.S. Willsky |
Nonparametric Shape Priors
for Active Contour-Based Image Segmentation |
Signal Processing |
December |
2007 |
Vol. 87, No. 12 |
pp. 3021-3044 |
188. |
V. Chandrasekaran, J. Johnson, and
A.S. Willsky |
Estimation in Gaussian
Graphical Models Using Tractable Subgraphs: A Walk-Sum Analysis |
IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing |
May |
2008 |
Vol 56, No.5 |
pp. 1916-1930 |
2747 |
189. |
E.B. Sudderth, A. Torralba, W.T.
Freeman, and A.S. Willsky |
Describing Visual Scenes
Using Transformed Objects and Parts |
special issue of the International
Journal of Computer Vision on Learning for vision and vision for learning |
March |
2008 |
Vol. 77 |
pp. 291-330 |
190. |
J. Johnson and A.S. Willsky |
A Recursive
Model-Reduction Method for Approximate Inference in Gaussian Markov Random
Fields |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
January |
2008 |
Vol. 17, No. 1 |
pp. 70-83 |
191. |
M.J. Choi, V. Chandrasekaran, D.M.
Malioutov, J.K. Johnson, and A.S. Willsky |
Multiscale Stochastic
Modeling for Tractable Inference and Data Assimilation |
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics
and Engineering |
2008 |
Vol. 197 |
pp. 3492-3515 |
192. |
W. Sun, M. Cetin, R. Chan, V., and
A.S. Willsky |
Learning the Dynamics and
Time-Recursive Boundary Detection of Deformable Objects |
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing |
November |
2008 |
Vol. 17, No. 11 |
pp. 2186-2200 |
193. |
K.R. Varshney, M. Cetin, J.W. Fisher,
III, and A.S. Willsky |
Sparse Representation in
Structured Dictionaries with Application to Synthetic Aperture Radar |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
August |
2008 |
Vol. 56, No. 8 |
pp. 3548-3561 |
194. |
O.P. Kreidl and A.S. Willsky |
An Efficient
Message-Passing Algorithm for Optimizing Decentralized Detection Networks |
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control |
March |
2010 |
Vol. 55, No. 3 |
pp. 563-578 |
2726 |
195. |
D.M. Malioutov, J. Johnson, M.J.
Choi, and A.S. Willsky |
Low-Rank Variance
Approximation in GMRF Models: Single and Multi-Scale Approaches |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
October |
2008 |
Vol. 56, No. 10 Part I |
pp. 4621-4634 |
196. |
S. Sanghavi, D. Shah, and A.S.
Willsky |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
November |
2009 |
Vol. 55, No. 11 |
pp. 4822-4834 |
197. |
M.J. Choi, V. Chandrasekaran, and
A.S. Willsky |
Gaussian Multiresolution
Models: Exploiting Sparse Markov and Covariance Structure |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
March |
2010 |
Vol. 58, No. 3 |
pp. 1012-1024 |
2806 |
198. |
D. Malioutov, S. Sanghavi, and A.S.
Willsky |
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in
Signal Processing |
April |
2010 |
Vol. 4, No. 2 |
pp. 435-444 |
199. |
K.R. Varshney and A.S. Willsky |
J. of Machine Learning Research |
February |
2010 |
Vol. 11 |
pp. 491-516 |
200. |
V.Y.F. Tan, A. Anandkumar, and A.S.
Willsky |
Learning Gaussian Tree
Models: Analysis of Error Exponents and Extremal Structures |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
May |
2010 |
Vol. 58, No. 5 |
pp. 2701-2714 |
201. |
E.B. Fox, E.B. Sudderth, M.I. Jordan,
and A.S. Willsky |
special issue of the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine on graphical models in signal processing |
November |
2010 |
Vol. 27, No. 6 |
pp. 43-54 |
202. |
E.B. Sudderth, A.T. Ihler, M. Isard,
W.T. Freeman, and A.S. Willsky |
invited paper for Communications of the ACM |
2010 |
Vol. 53, No. 10 |
pp. 95-103 |
203. |
V.Y.F. Tan, S. Sanghavi, J.W. Fisher,
and A.S. Willsky |
Learning Graphical Models
for Hypothesis Testing and Classification |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
November |
2010 |
Vol. 58, No. 11 |
pp. 5481-5495 |
204. |
E.B. Fox, E.B. Sudderth, M.I. Jordan,
and A.S. Willsky |
of Applied Statistics |
2011 |
Vol 5, No. 2A |
pp. 1020-1056. |
205. |
E.B. Fox, E.B. Sudderth, M.I. Jordan,
and A.S. Willsky |
Nonparametric Inference of Switching Dynamic Linear Models |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing |
April |
2011 |
Vol. 59, No. 4 |
pp. 1569-1585. |
206. |
V. Chandrasekaran, S. Sanghavi, P.
Parrilo, and A.S. Willsky |
Rank-Sparsity Uncertainty Principles
and Matrix Decompositions |
SIAM J. on
Optimization |
2012 |
Vol. 21, No. 2 |
pp. 572-596. |
207. |
V.Y.F. Tan, A. Anandkumar, L. Tong,
and A.S. Willsky |
Large-Deviation Analysis for the Maximum-Likelihood Learning of Markov Tree
Structures |
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory |
March |
2011 |
Vol. 57, No. 3 |
pp. 1714-1735. |
208. |
S. Sanghavi, D. Malioutov, and A.S.
Willsky |
Propagation and LP Relaxation for Weighted Matching in General Graphs |
IEEE Trans. on
Information Theory |
April |
2011 |
Vol 57,
No. 4 |
pp. 2203-2212.
209. |
M.J. Choi, V.Y.F.
Tan, A. Anandkumar, and A.S. Willsky |
May |
2011 |
Vol. 12 |
pp. 1771-1812 |
210. |
V.Y.F. Tan, A.
Anandkumar, and A.S. Willsky |
Learning High-Dimensional
Markov Forest Distributions: Analysis of Error Rates |
May |
2011 |
Vol. 12 |
pp. 1714-1735 |
211. |
K.R. Varshney and
A.S. Willsky |
Linear Dimensionality Reduction for
Margin-Based Classification: High-Dimensional Data and Sensor Networks |
June |
2011 |
Vol. 59, No. 6 |
pp. 2496-2512 |
212. |
V. Chandrasekaran,
P. Parrilo, and A.S. Willsky |
SIAM Review |
![]() |
2012 |
Vol. 54, No. 3 |
pp. 513-541 |
213. |
M.J. Choi, J.L.
Lim, A. Torralba, and A.S. Willsky |
Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Feb. |
2012 |
Vol. 34, No. 2 |
pp. 240-252 |
214. |
M.J. Choi, A.
Torralba, and A.S. Willsky |
![]() |
2012 |
Vol. 33 |
pp. 853-862 |
215. |
V. Chandrasekaran,
P.A. Parrilo, and A.S. Willsky |
Latent Variable Graphical Model
Selection via Convex Optimization |
Annals of Statistics (with special designation as a ̉discussion paper)
![]() |
2012 | Vol. 40, No. 4 | pp. 1935-1967 | ||
216. |
Y. Liu, V.
Chandrasekaran, A. Anandkumar, and A.S. Willsky |
Feedback Message Passing for Inference in Gaussian Graphical Models |
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. |
![]() |
2012 |
Vol. 60, No. 8 |
217. |
A. Anandkumar, V.Y.F. Tan, F. Huang, and A.S. Willsky |
High-Dimensional Structure Estimation
in Ising Models: Local Separation Criterion
of Statistics |
![]() |
2012 |
Vol. 40, No. 3 |
pp. 1346-1375 |
218. |
A. Anandkumar, V.Y.F. Tan, and A.S. Willsky |
High-Dimensional Gaussian Graphical Model Selection: Walk-Summability and Local Separation Criterion |
of Machine Learning Research |
219. | J. Saunderson, V. Chandrasekaran, P. Parrilo and A. S. Willsky | Diagonal and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions, Correlation Matrices, and Ellipsoid Fitting | SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications | 2012 | Vol. 33, No. 4 | pp. 1395-1416 | |||
220. | V. Chandrasekaran, B. Recht, P.A. Parrilo, and A.S. Willsky | The Convex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Dec | 2012 | Vol. 12, No. 6 | |||
221. | Johnson, M.J. and Willsky, A.S. | Bayesian Nonparametric Hidden Semi-Markov Models | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Feb | 2013 | Vol. 14 | pp. 673-701 | ||
222. | Cetin, M., Stojanovic, I., Onhon, N.O,, Varshney, K.R., Samadi, S., Karl, W.C., and Willsky, A.S. | Sparsity-Driven Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging | special issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine on Recent Advances in SAR Imaging | July | 2014 | Vol. 31, No. 4, | pp. 27-40 | ||
223. | Y. Liu and A.S. Willsky | Sampling from Gaussian Markov Random Fields Using Stationary and Non-Stationary Subgraph Perturbations | IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing | Feb | 2015 | Vol. 63, No. 3, | pp. 576-589 |